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Virtutis imago: studies on the conceptualisation and transformation of an ancient ideal.

Peeters, Louvain (....), 2004. IX,586p. Paperback. Upper corner front cover slightly creased. May require extra shipping costs: weight including packing from 1 - 2 Kg.
'Manliness, prowess, deeds of valour, excellence: 'virtus' is a term which has a broad semantic range, which differs significantly from the meanings attached to such modern notions as the English 'virtue' or the French 'vertu'. Although deeply rooted in a system of practices and discourses aimed at continuing the 'mos maiorum', the traditional concept of 'virtus' underwent serious changes in the course of time: it was reconsidered, reassessed, and even replaced with new definitions of moral excellence. The editors of the present volume have sought to gather contributions which shed new light on the ancient representation of moral excellence or discuss relevant aspects of the rich but complex 'Wirkungsgeschichte' of the Roman concept of 'virtus'. Thematically coherent, the book testifies to the rich variety of approaches currently adopted in classical philology, ancient history, Early Christian and Byzantine Studies, and the study of Latin texts from the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. (Publisher's information). A.o.: M. HUYS: Did Roman Morals Require Virtuous Women to Keep Silent? A Note on Plautus, 'Rudens'1114 (pp.29-43); T. DENEIRE: A Textbook in Latin Prose Composition? 'Virtutes' and vitia dicendi' in 'Rhet. Her.' 4,12-16 (pp.89-117); V. HUNINK: 'Solacia mali': Examples of Virtue in Tacitus' 'Historiae' (pp.173-187); G. PARTOENS: Defeating the Pagan Gods: Military Virtue in Prudentius' 'Libri contra Symmachum' (pp.299-339); A. WOUTERS: Vicious and virtuous Types of dialogue in Peter Abelard's 'collationes' (pp.437-461); J. PAPY: Sanctifying stoic Virtues? Justus Lipsius's Use of Clement of Alexandria in the 'Maneductio ad Stoicam philosophiam' (pp.507-529).
€ 47.50 Antiquarian