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The Xenophon Papyri. Anabasis, Cyropaedia, Cynegeticus, De Vectigalibus.

Brill, Lugduni Batavorum, 1970. VII,91p. Sewn. Small stamp on front cover. Series: Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava, Volumen XVIII. (Rare).
'The aim of this volume is, firstly, to provide as accurate as possible, an edition of the relevant papyrus texts. Secondly, to consider the latter vis-a-vis the text as handed down in the manuscripts. For that reason unidentified scraps are not included: they will be found in the original editions referred to. The lists that contain the evidence do so in a condensed form and should be used in conjunction with the transcripts of the texts and with the commentary. References are only given where necessary.' (A.H.R.E. PAAP, p.VII).
€ 27.50 Antiquarian