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RICHARDSON, L., (ed.).,

Yale Classical Studies. Volume Nineteen.

Yale University Press, New Haven / London, 1966. 269,14p. ills. Original red cloth. Spine gilt titled. Edges a bit foxed. Signature on title page.
A.o.: W. WHALLON: The shield of Ajax (pp.5-37); C. BRADFORD WELLES: Pindar's Religion and the Twelfthe Pythian Ode (pp.77-101); G. LAWALL: Apollonius' 'Argonautica': Jason as Anti-Hero (pp.119-171); H.M. HUBBELL: Cicero on Styles of Oratory (pp.171-187); L.C. CURRAN: Vision and Reality in Propertius 1.3 (pp.187-209).
€ 25.00 Antiquarian