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Carmina libri tres cum libro quarto Sulpicii et aliorum Chr. G. Heynii. Nunc aucta notis et observationibus Ern.Car.Frid. Wunderlichii. DISSENIUS, L., Supplementum editionis Albii Tibulli Carminum Heynio-Wunderlichianae.

Sumptibus Frid.Christ.Guil. Vogelii, Lipsiae, 1817/19. 2 vols in one. LXXX,274;VIII,63p. Leather bound. Spine and front cover gilt stamped. With title vignette. Some nice woodcuts in first part. Prize book Gymnasium Leeuwarden, presented 1838 to R.Y. Warmolts by Alexander (Jaques Josias) Bake, rector. With coat of arms Spoelder, p.622. Gift intention glued on first endpaper. Marbled endpages. Head and tail spine a bit worn. Title neatly restored to spine.
€ 165.00 Antiquarian