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RICH, J., (ed.),

The City in Late Antiquity.

Routledge, London/NewYork, 1996. Reprint 1st ed.1992. X,204p. Cloth wrps. Blind tooling ex libris on half title. Nice copy.
A.o.: W. LIEBESCHUETZ: The end of the ancient city (pp.1-50); C. LEPELLEY: The survival and fall of the classical city in Late Roman Africa (pp.50-77); A. POULTER: The use and abuse of urbanism in the Danubian provinces during the Later Roman Empire (pp.99-136); Ph. DIXON: The cities are not populated as once they were (pp.145-161); H. KENNEDY: Antioch: from Byzantium to Islam and back again.
€ 33.50 Antiquarian

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