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DOREY, T.A., (ed.),

Latin Biography.

Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1968. Reprint 1st ed.1966. XIII,194p. Original blue cloth with dust wrps. Spine gilt titled. Series: Studies in Latin Literature and its Influence.
Contents: EDNA JENKINSON: Nepos - An Introduction to Latin biography (pp.1-17); E.I. MCQUEEN: Quintus Curtius Rufus (pp.17-45); A.J. GOSSAGE: Plutarch (pp.45-79); G.B. TOWNEND: Suetonius and his Influence (pp.79-113); A.R. BIRLEY: The Augustan History (pp.113-139); T.A. DOREY: William of Poitiers: Gesta Guillelmi (pp.139-157); D.H. FARMER: Two Biographies by William of Malmesbury (pp.157-177); ROSALIND BROOKE: The Lives of St. Francis (pp.177-203).
€ 25.00 Antiquarian