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The Roman Soldier.

Thames & Hudson, London, 1983. Reprint 1 st ed.1969. 256p. Bound with dust wrps. Nice copy.
'This is essentially a study of the lower ranks in the army, from Augustus to diocletian. It is well written and eminently readable. For the classicist, and especially the ancient historian, with only a moderate knowledge of military history in detail, the author has a pleasing habit of producing pieces of information of considerable general importance. (...) Throughout the author shows a keen sense of period and avoids the usual misleading composite picture of the Roman army, which ignores the constant changes of detail which in time meant substantial alterations in many aspects of military life and organization. On the whole he also manages to avoid the common temptation to consider one period as classic.' (PETER SALWAY in The Classical Review (New Series), 1971, pp.263-64).
€ 25.00 Antiquarian