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Aischylos als Regisseur und Theologe.

Francke, Bern, 1949. 168p. Hard bound with dust wrps. Dust wrps slightly damaged and repaired with acid free adhesive paper. Nice copy.
'Very briefly stated, his main point seems to be that Aeschylus deals in antitheses (…) and that the best, if not the only way to present these effectively is by the use of stagecraft, sometimes including quite startling and spectacular effects. ‘Mit dem Regiekünstler entwickelt sich zugleich in Aischylos der Theologe.’ This he holds to be a unique phenomenon, unique at all events for the Greek stage. Whether he is always successful in applying the thesis to the many problems contained in the surviving plays is not certain; but at least in trying to apply it and seeking solutions thereby of difficulties which he never minimizes, he raises a number of highly interesting points and shows fine taste and insight in his discussions of them. (…) In dealing with the Oresteia the author gives us among other things a most admirable analysis of the Agamemnon (pp.80-110), in which all the principal features both of the dramatic technique and of the contents are brought out with a completeness remarkable in so short a treatment.' (H.J. ROSE in The Classical Review, 1950, pp.104-05). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 55.00 Antiquarian