The Nature of Roman Comedy. A Study in Popular Entertainment.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1952. XIII;501p. ills. Paperback. Front cover has some (circular) damage. Tail spine slightly bumped. Upper corner bit bumped (all over). Still quite nice.
'Most people will agree that this ambitious programme has been carried out with notable success. Even specialists (for whom the book is not primarily intended) will find it extremely convenient to have so much relevant material collected in a fairly compact form; and the non-specialist is provided with practically everything that he requires for a general understanding of the subject. (...) In his discussion of stage conventions, themes, treatment, methods of composition, and dramatic devices the author is seen at his best. The analysis is careful, penetrating, and systematic (...) and the conclusions drawn are refreshingly free from sweeping generalizations and over-simplification. (...) The treatment of characterization is similarly commendable (...).' (HUGH TREDENNICK in The Classical Review (New Series), 1954, pp.125-29).
€ 14.50