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The Metamorphoses. A New Verse Translation by A. Mandelbaum.

Harvest Book, Harcourt, San Diego (...), 1993. 559p. Paperback. Upper corner front cover a bit creased, paper of cover over here splitting.
'As in his translation of the Aeneid, he operates in blank verse with a five-stress line which is more or less an iambic pentameter. But a new feature in his Ovid translation is his intercalation of (para)-rhyming passages within free verse. (...) Mandelbaum expands the original, partly in order to achieve his neat and antithetical rhymes, but partly opening up its terse summary style into something lighter and wittier by ‘unpacking’ key words. (...) Metrical variation and manipulation of the original are both used to creative effect here.' (STEPHEN HARRISON in 'Bimillenary Ovid: Some Recent Versions of the Metamorphoses'.
€ 14.50 Antiquarian

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