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Solon. Staatsmann und Weiser.

Seidel & Sohn, Wien, 1948. 244p. ills. (B&W photographs). Cloth wrps. Wprs yellowed. Edges bit foxed.
'This book is a popular presentation of Solon. It is pleasantly written and well illustrated. (...) The aim of the book is admirable, to present to a wider public the creator of Athenian democracy and to set him against the developments of the preceding and succeeding ages. In part this aim is achieved because Hönn has enthusiasm, wide interests, and a willingness to treat simply matters which are often difficult. But there is a lack of cohesion between the parts of the book and a lack of clarity about what Solon really did do (...). Hönn has, however, pointed the way for a new generation of German scholars.' (N.G.L. HAMMOND in The Classical Review, 1950, p.29-30).
€ 10.00 Antiquarian

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