Lysiae Atheniensis Orationes. Graece et Latine ex interpretatione et cum brevis notis Ioannis Taylori in usum studiosae iuventutis.
Typis academicis, Cantabrigiae (...), 1740. (IV),264,235,(71)p. Leather bound. Head spine worn. Leather to spine splitting in two. Binding on this spot weak. Front book plate loose. Signature on paste down end-paper John Scott. His Ex libris 'Sit sine labe decus' glued on paste-down endpaper. With signature and date from the late Prof. W.G. Arnott on free endpaper. (Rare).
John Taylor (1704-1766) was Fellow of St. John's and successively Librarian and Registrary of the university. He is best known as an editor of Lysias (1739) and of part of Demosthenes. John Scott, 1st Baron Eldon, later 1st Earl of Eldon, PC, he was born 4 June 1751, and died 13 June 1838. From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 165.00