Miles gloriosus. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by M. Hammond, A.M. Mack and W. Moskalew.
Oxford University Press / Harvard University Press, London / Cambridge (Mass.), 1963. X,202p. Cloth wrps. Nice copy.
'The Introduction occupies some 60 pages, roughly one third of the book. this opens with a short survey of Greek Drama and Roman Comedy, and a section on 'Stage and Production'; next comes a section on metres, another on 'Language' (including prosody, poetic devices, constructions and grammatical forms), some pages on the text tradition of Plautus, and a fairly wide-ranging list of 'Bibliographical Suggestions'. (...) the editors have devoted much care, both in the Introduction and the notes, to metre and scansion, marking, unusually, every ictus. (...) The grammatical exegesis is often very full. (...) Thanks to the present editors undergraduates will now have accessible a thoroughly helpful and interesting commentary.' (W.A. LAIDLAW in The Journal of Roman Studies, 1964, p.241).
€ 18.50