Pindars zweiter und sechster Paian. Text, Scholien und Kommentar.
Hakkert, Amsterdam, 1958. 2 parts. VII,215;36p. Theses. Sewn. Cover slightly wrinkled. Ex libris G.H. Blanken glued on half title. Name stamp on half title. A few pencil annotations on inside half title. Diss.Universiteit van Amsterdam.
'Paeans 2 and 6 have been chosen, as being relatively well preserved, for thorough treatment. The main emphasis is naturally on the commentary, but Radt has made a careful collation of the papyri, and pp.1-12 give a useful survey of the problems they present. On left-hand pages facing the text is a transcript of the papyri, with complete record of accents and punctuation marks and an apparatus of doubtful readings. (...) The scholia are edited separately, devided and numbered as in Drachmann, and with an apparatus of their own. A translation precedes the commentary. This is on a large scale (...) and is certainly exhaustive. That is only rarely exhausting as well is due to the editor's marked powers of clear and orderly exposition. He displays an intimate familiarity with his author and a thorough command of the relevant literature which make his notes continuously informative and interesting; he sets out the views of his predecessors fairly and fully (...); his own judgements are clear and independent; and he certainly supersedes all previous treatments of these poems.' (H.T. DEAS in The Classical Review (New Series), 1959, p.233).
€ 34.50