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Das Fragmentum Bucolicum Vindobonense (P. Vindob. Rainer 29801). Einleitung, Text und Kommentar.

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1999.177p. Sewn. Nice copy. Series: Hypomnemata, Heft 123.
'This is a welcome and useful book on an interesting text: the Vienna bucolic fragment (first published in 1932; also in Gow's Bucolici Graeci (Oxford, 1952), pp.168-70). It contains an introduction, text and translation, plates of the papyrus, commentary, bibliography, and various indices. In his introduction, B. offers helpful guidance concerning the reconstruction of the manuscript, the content of the poem, and the questions of genre and authorship. In the end, most of these problems prove insoluble, but B. succeeds in giving a skilful and sensible survey of the evidence and the options. (...) According to B.'s preferred hypothesis, the fragment comes from an epyllion by Bion. In his interpretative summary (pp.52-61), B. is less circumspect. His account is little short of a wholesale surrender to structuralist theories (and jargon). Instead of an inductively arranged synopsis paraphrasing the text, he presents a deductive application of predetermined principles. (...) The commentary (especially the introductory notes to individual passages) shows a much more discerning interest in the shape and composition of the poem.' (ARND KERKHECKER in The Classical Review (New Series), 2000, p.414).
€ 15.00 Antiquarian