'Lesbia' und 'Juventius': Zwei Libelli im Corpus Catullianum. Untersuchungen zur Publikationsform und Authentizität der überlieferten Gedichtfolge.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1996. 329p. Sewn. Series: Hypomnemata, 111. Nice copy.
'Did Catullus do it or not? (This book is - ND) devoted to the old question about the arrangement of his poems as we know them. A new basis fro answering it has been created in recent years by interpretations of Roman poetry collectionswhich no longer try to reconstruct the chronology of the poems, but simply take them as they come. Analysis in particular of Augustan libi has repeatedly shown that the interaction of poems develops a continuous discourse which successively unfurls central and subsidiary themes. (...) Beck interprets thematic and structural links between the two groups as evidence that they were composed as two complementary units - here he presents many fine observations (pp.154-288) and concludes that Catullus published poems 1-14 as a libellus, and that 14b-26 followed as a second libellus and foil.' (NIKLAS HOLZBERG in the Classical Review (New Series), 2000, p.436).
€ 19.50