Museum Criticum XXX-XXXI. (1995-1996).
Pacini, Ospedaletto, 1997. 320p. Sewn wrps. Unopened.
A.o.: B. MARZULLO: Archill. fr. 42 W.2 (Reversa Neobule?) (pp.37-67)A.H. SOMMERSTEIN: Aesch. Ag. 104-59 (The Omen of Aulis or the Omen of Argos?) (pp.87-95); I.C. STOREY: Notes on unassigned fragments of Eupolis (pp.137-159); A. ANDRISANO: Aristot. Pet. 1452b 9-13 (...) (pp.189-217). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 22.50