Das Original des plautinischen Persa.
Frankfurt am Main, 1957. 96p. Sewn.
Inauguraldissertation Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. 'Müller begins by giving an interpretation of the play. This (...) is the best part of the book; for, though there is little novelty in what is said, there is a sanity and level-headedness in the approach which avoids any attempt to go beyond what the evidence will allow and yet gives a satisfactory account of the play as a whole, from the Greek point of view. Especially good is Müller's treatment of the parody which the play presentsof the normal love-situation(...). There is an excellent discussion of the tragic character of Saturio's daughter (...). It should be said, however, that a great weight of historical information is brought to bear on the play, and, though results are imprecise, Müller's book is a storehouse of knowledge relevant to the study of the 'Persa'. (GORDON WILLIAMS in The Classical Review (New Series), 1960, 128-29). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 39.50