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ORBÁN, A.P., and M.G.M. van der POEL, (eds.),

Ad Litteras. Latin Studies in Honour of J.H. Brouwers.

Nijmegen University Press, Nijmegen, 2001. 425p. Paperback. Name sticker glued to verso front cover.
Thirty essays on ancient, medieval and Neo-Latin literature, written by former students and colleagues of J.H. Brouwers. A.o.: A.A.R. BASTIAENSEN: Das Brautpaar des Hohen Liedes in der frühchristlichen Literatur des Abendlandes (pp.15-29); L.J. ter BEEK: Einige Bemerkungen zur argumentatio in Ciceros Rede für Sextus Roscius aus Ameria (pp.45-79); J.A.E. BONS: Alcidamas On the sophists and epideictic Rhetoric (pp.97-107); KA.E. ENENKEL: Ovid, Tristia IV,10: Rhetorische Strategien und Interpretation (pp.113-131); A.J.L. van HOOFF: Voluntary Death in Latin (pp.143-163); V.J.Chr. HUNINK: The fish catalogue in Ausonius' Mosella. Literary Backgrounds of Mos. 75-149 (pp.163-177); A.H.M. KESSELS: Antigone transformed: Sophocles and Anouilh (pp.177-193); P.H. SCHRIJVERS: A la recherche du discours indirect libre chez Tacite (pp.229-241); G.R. DIBBETS: 'Heidnische Tapferkeit': gerechtfertigt, übersetzt (pp.283-307); C.L. HEESAKKERS: A patre id esse scias. The first critical edition of the fragments of Lucilius by Francischus Dousa (Leiden 1597) (pp.343-359); M.H. KOENEN: Quo carmine demum. Ida Gerhardt's thesis on Lucretius' De rerum natura (pp.379-393).
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