Book XIII. The Xenia. Text with introduction and commentary by T.J. Leary.
Duckworth, London, 2001. XIII,209p. Bound wrps. (Rare).
'To sum up: L. has provided us with a commentary that is always clear or at least as lucid as one can expect it to be, when dealing with a collection that often eludes its modern readers or leaves them in the lurch. Where there are competing interpretive attempts in previous scholarship, L. plainly discusses their pros and cons and contributes a great deal of insight and original thought. 'Realien' and language, which have the greatest share in this book, are truly the strongest side of the commentary. On the other hand, the collection we are dealing with is a highly sophisticated and complex product of literature, some aspects of which L. explores in greater detail, whereas others have been neglected or underestimated by him. At any rate, this book certainly is a stepping-stone for future work on this challenging corpus of epigrams. (FAROUK F. GREWING in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.08.38).
€ 110.00