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ACTA CLASSICA. Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa, volume XLIV.

Buro vir Wetenskaplike Publikasies, Rhodes University (...), 2001. V,292p. Sewn. (Rare).
A.o.: E.A. MACKAY: The Frontal Tace and 'You'. Narrative Disjunction in Early Greek Poetry and Painting (pp.5-35); J.E. ATKINSON: Turning Crises into Drama: The Management of Epidemics in Classical Antiquity (pp.35-53); Ch. FRANCIS: Telling Tales in the 'Metamorphoses' of Apuleius (pp.53-77); M. LAMBERT: Gender and Religion in Theocritus, 'Idyll' 15: Pratting Tourists at the Adonia (pp.87-105); D. OGDEN: The Ancient Greek Oracles of the Dead (pp.167-197); J.C. THOM: Cleanthes, Chrysippus and the Pythagorean 'Golden Verses' (pp.197-221). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 18.50 Antiquarian