Oxford Readings in Menander, Plautus, and Terence.
Oxford University Press, Oxford (...), 2001. XXVII,280p. Cloth wrps. Nice copy.
'It would be wrong to underplay the value of the volume in bringing to a general audience a corpus of studies which have been produced over the past thirty years (...), many of them perennial items on university reading lists.' (STANLEY IRELAND in The Classical Review (New Series), 2003, p.253). A.o.: P.G.McC. Brown: Love and Marriage in Greek New Comedy (p.53-65); N.J. LOWE: Tragic Space and Comic Timing in Menander's Dyskolos (p.65-83); A.R. SHARROCK: The Art of Deceit: Pseudolus and the Nature of Reading (p.149-161); N. W. SLATER: Amphitruo, Bacchae, and Metatheatre (p.189-205); W.G. ARNOTT: Phormio parasitus: A Study in Dramatic Methods of Characterization, (p.257-273). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 65.00