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The Authenticity of 'Prometheus Bound'.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 1977. XII,419p. Cloth wrps. Upper edge a little bit stained.
'Prometheus Bound was accepted without question in antiquity as the work of Aeschylus, and most modern authorities endorse this ascription. But since the nineteenth century several leading scholars have come to doubt Aeschylean authorship. Dr Griffith here provides a thorough and wide-ranging study of this problem, and concludes: 'Had Prometheus Bound been newly dug up from the sands of Oxyrhynchus... few scholars would regard it as the work of Aeschylus.' After a preliminary assessment of the external evidence, Dr Griffith examines minutely the idiosyncrasies of metre, dramatic technique, vocabulary, syntax and expression to be found in the play, applying the same tests to other plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides in order to provide a control for his methods. In his final chapter he discusses how the conditions surrounding the ancient transmission and cataloguing of texts may have led to the ascription to Aeschylus. (Editor's information). ‘ (…) the most thorough and reasoned investigation of a Greek tragedy’s authenticity ever made. It is a splendid book (..) as admirable for the near-completeness of its scope as for the self-restraint which characterizes its evaluation of the evidence.‘ (MALCOLM DAVIES in The Classical Review (New Series), 1979, p.5). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 65.00 Antiquarian