Bacchides. Nota introduttiva e testo critico di C. Questa. In appendice Menandrou 'Dis Exapaton'.
Sansoni Editore, Firenze, 1975. New edition. 198p. Sewn. Loosely inserted: Some comments on the text and metre of Plautus Bacchides plus a note: MMW (M.M. Willcock on Questa's edition of Pl. Bacchicdes.
'Questa's new 'Bacchides' reprints Sandbach's Greek text in an appendix, with some minor changes. A much expanded introduction (from 36-80 pages) not only deals with the problems in this play which have engaged scholars' attention during the last century (...). In the text and the apparatus there are quite a number of changes from the first edition. Questa has evidently taken seriously the reviewers' criticisms, and in about half the cases adduced by Skutsch and Arnott this had led to alteration or correction. (...) In the filed of metre, Questa is an expert, not only on the technical facts about prosody and scansion, but on the question of the ancient colometry. (...) The good that he has done in this paly by removing the basis for oddities which have disfigured the metrical schemes of even such great editors as Leo and Lindsay is far greater than the harm caused by occasional small inaccuracies. Questa knows what he is talking about, and understands the problems of both text and metre.' (M.M. WILLCOCK in The Classical Review (New Series), 1978, pp.28-29). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 34.50