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An Inquiry into the Transmission of the Plays of Euripides.

Cambridge at the University Press, London (...), 1965. XX,295,XVIp. ills.(B/W photographs). Cloth wrps. Wrps protected. Nice copy.
'Turyn's book 'The Byzantine Manuscript Tradition of the Tragedies of Euripides' (...) with its important discussion of the manuscripts L and P and in particular its convincing identification of the corrector of L. hitherto known as l, with Demetrius Triclinius, had made a detailed discussion of this branch of the tradition highly desirable, Professor Zuntz is eminently well qualified to carry out the task, and he has done it admirably; the evidence on which his conclusions rest is clearly set out, and the conclusions themselves show for the most part remarkably sound judgment.' (HUGH LLOYD-JONES in The Classical Review (New Series), 1966, p.156). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 55.00 Antiquarian