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The Tragic Effect. The Oedipus Complex in Tragedy. Translated by A. Sheridan.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 1979. XVII,264p. Cloth wrps. Last pages a bit wrinkled by moist. Personal summary and notes by WGA loosely inserted.
This book 'is a curiosity. Its author is a French psycho-analyst of the Lacan branch of the Freudian school, and in this book, first published in French in 1969) he reinterprets some of the great European tragedies (...) in the light of of Freud's theory of the Oedipus complex. (...) Despite the presence of some profound insights (e.g. on Cilissa, the sphinx, the Sophoclean Orestes; the function of fantasy and the nature of tragic pleasure), I found too many of Green's approaches wilfully distorted, and too many of the discussions far-fetched examples of jargoned theorizing.' (W. GEOFFREY ARNOTT in Greece & Rome, 1980, p.184). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 34.50 Antiquarian