Horaz. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von G. und E. Bayer.
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1967. 540p. Cloth. Cover (partly) and spine a bit discoloured. Upper edge a little bit foxed. Signature on free endpaper.
'This is a highly personal book, as well as a manifesto against the effects on Horatian criticism of the post-Romantic preoccupation with poets 'Erlebnis' and of the modern prejudice agains imperialism, autocracy, and 'personality cult'. It has two main themes - first, the use made by Horace of literary tradition and his gradual emancipation from excessive dependence on it, and second, his attitude to Augustus - though much else is interwoven. (...) Indeed this is probably the weightiest book on Horace that has yet appeared. No one could put it down without feeling greatly enriched in knowledge and understanding. Fraenkel's acquaintance with forgotten as well as recent literature on Horace, and his grasp of the history of scholarship, is formidable.' (L.P. WILKINSON on the original English publication in The Classical Review (New Series), 1959, pp.33-36).
€ 15.00