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An introduction to Sophocles.

Methuen, London, 1969. 2nd ed. (Reprint ed.1936). 220p. Bound wrps. With signature from Prof. W.G. Arnott on free endpaper.
'This book, first published in 1936 and designed to provide 'a sort of comparative grammar of Sophoclean drama', is now reprinted with the addition of four pages of Addenda and Corrigenda and an Appendix of thirteen pages on the early plays of Sophocles and Euripides. Both additions exemplify the way of treating lost plays known only from fragments which we know from Webster's books about Menander and Euripides. (...) The author's learning and ingenuity make it worth while for specialists concerned with the fragments to look through his additions, though they will find many statements that are unsufficiently grounded.' (HUGH LLOYD-JONES in The Classical Review (New Series), 1970, pp.299-300). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 28.50 Antiquarian