Rheinland-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1969. 133,IVp. Cloth. Cover slightly stained. Name on free endpaper. Series: Epigraphische Studien, Band 8.
Contents: G. ALFÖLDY: Epigraphica Norica (pp.1-35); L. BALLA: Herennius Faustus (pp.35-39); T. BECHTERT: Zu einigen Bauinschriften aus römischen Legionslagern (pp.39-53); T. BECHERT: Ein Alemaneneinfall am Obergermanischen Limes unter Elagabal (pp.53-63); E. BIRLEY: Septimus Severus and the Roman Army (pp.63-83); R.W. DAVIES: The Medici of the Roman Armed Forces (pp.83-100); B. DOBSON and D.J. BREEZE: The Rome Cohorts and the Legionary Centurionate (pp.100-125); R. SYME: A Governor of Terraconensis (pp.125-133).
€ 18.50