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TURNER, E.G. (ed.),

Ménandre. Sept exposés suivis de discussions.

Vandoeuvres, Genève, 1970. 266p. Cloth wrps. Wrps worn. Notae Arnottensis. A lot of pencil annotatations from WGA. Signature from WGA on free endpaper. Series: Entretiens sur l'Antiquité Classique, XVI.
Contents: E.W. HANDLEY: The Conventions of the comic Stage and their Exploitation by Menander; W. LUDWIG: Die 'Cistellaria' und das Verhältnis von Gott und Handlung bei Menander; F.H. SANDBACH: Menander's Manipulation of Language for dramatic Purposes; Fr. WEHRLI: Menander und die Philosophie; Chr. DEDOUSSI: The 'Samia'; C. QUESTA: Alcune strutture sceniche di Plauto e Menandro; L. Kahil: remarques sur l'iconographie des pièces de Ménandre. From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 39.50 Antiquarian