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ACTA CLASSICA. Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa, volume XXXVI.

Buro vir Wetenskaplike Publikasies, Rhodes University (...),1993. V,193p. Sewn.
A.o.: L. CILLIERS: Public Health in Roman legislation (pp.1-11); P.R. BOSMAN: Pathology of a guilty conscience: the legacy of Euripides' Orestes (pp.11-27); J.H. BARKHUIZEN: Romanos Melodos, 'On the ten virgins' (48 Oxf. = 51 sc) (pp.39-55); G. THOME: Tanton placuit concurrere motu,/ Iuppiter, aeterna gentis in pace futuras? (Aen, 12,503f.) - Der Krieg in Vergils Aeneis (pp.65-83); W.J. DOMINIK: Change or decline? Literature in the early principate (pp.105-113). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 17.50 Antiquarian