Music in Greek and Roman Culture. Translated by R.V. Munson.
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore / London, 1989. XII,187p. Cloth wrps.
'Being aimed at the non-specialist reader, its general orientation is more historical and sociological than technical, although there is a chapter of some twenty-five pages on 'music theory' which deals with the notoriously difficult questions of ratios, scales, the harmoniai and tonoi, etc. (...) The historical survey, with much attention paid to the lyric poets, the early prominence of Sparta, the innovations associated with Terpander, Lasus, Timotheus, Euripides, the ethical views of Damon, and the nature of the chief musical insturments, is perhaps the best part of the book. (...) One hopes that the author bears no responsability for the lamentable state of the index.' (E. KERR BORTHWICK In The Classical Review (New Series), 1990, p.185).
€ 32.50