Later Greek Literature.
Cambridge University Press, Cmabridge (...), 1982. IX,344p. Cloth wrps. Gilt titling on spine. Series: Yale Classical Studies, 27.
A.o.: E.L. BOWIE: The importance of sophists (pp.29-61); G. ANDERSON: Lucian: a sophist's sophist (pp.61-93); J.J. WINKLER: The medacity of Kalasiris and the narrative strategy of Heliodoros' 'Aithiopika' (pp.93-159); E. FISHER: Greek translations of Latin literature in the fourth century A.D. (pp.173-217); W.G. ARNOTT: Pastiche, pleasantry, prudish eroticism: the letters of 'Aristaenetus' (pp.291-321). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 45.00