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Collected Papers.

Cambridge University Press, London / New York, 1969. X,307p. Cloth wrps. Some foxing on edges. With signature from Prof. W.G. Arnott on free endpaper. (Rare thus).
'The collected papers of the late Miss A.M. Dale (Mrs. T.B.L. Webster) make an extremely valuable publication. At the time of her lamented death in 1967, there was no greater expert on Greek lyric metre, and the metrical items, which amount to twelve of the twenty-five pieces included in the book, would by themselves make it indispensable to any serious student of that subjectSome of these are admirably clear treatments of metrical topics for the general reader, and they by no means exhaust the interest and value of the collection. Five of them have not appeared in print before. (…) We have here also Miss Dale’s Birkbeck College inaugural lecture of 1960 on 'Words, Music and Dance' which draws attention to facts which every reader of Greek lyricshould bear in mind. (…) The book is beautifully produced, and includes a bibliography and indexes (…).' (HUGH LLOYD-JONES in The Classical Review (New Series), 1971, pp.407-409). Some of the papers deal with metre and language; but most are about aspects of Greek drama - staging, choruses and interpretations of particular plays. (Publisher's information). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 42.50 Antiquarian