The Chorus in Sophocles' Tragedies.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1980. IX,301p. Cloth wrps. Wrps a bit worn and partly discoloured. Personal summary from WGA loosely inserted.
'Burton treats each play of Sophocles in turn, subjecting the choral parts (both spoken and sung) to a close analysis, with his attention focused on no one feature to the exclusion of others. He sets each choral part into its dramatic context. He explains the structure and overall metrical form of each ode, and comments on noteworthy aspects of style, language, or thought. (…) He is a sound, sympathetic, and perceptive guide. (…) These blemishes (…) do little to detract from the excellence of this book.' (JAMES DIGGLE in The Classical Review, 1982, pp.12-14). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 75.00