The Plays and Fragments. Translated with Explanatory Notes by M. Balme. With an Introduction by Peter Brown.
Oxford University Press, Oxford (...), 2001. XXXIV,312p. Cloth wrps. Nice copy. With editor's dedication on free endpaper.: 'Geoffrey with very many thanks for all your help and encouragement Maurice.'
'Peter Brown provides a sharp and wide-ranging, yet coherent introduction. Brown covers Menander's life, dating of the plays, the development of Greek stage comedy, theatrical and generic conventions of Menandrean comedy, and an assessment of Menander's legacy for world theater. He also nicely emphasizes the lively stage action of Menander's comedy in performance. (...). Balme's translation is the most meticulous yet to appear in English. He renders the Greek iambic trimeter into blank verse and the trochaic tetrameter into English trochaics. (...) Balme expends the most effort making his translation reflect the state of the tattered remains of the scripts of Menander's plays. He dutifully notes gaps, supplies hypotheses about their contents, and for shorter textual problems, he italicizes any translation of tentative reconstructions. (...) Overall, then, for Brown's introduction and Balme's exactness, this new volume will be rewarding.' (WILFRED E. MAJOR in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.06.06). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 72.50