Ex fide, atque auctoritate complurium librorum manuscriptorum opera Dionys. Lambini Monstroliensis emendatus: ab eodemque commentariis explicatus. Nunc denuo plurimis, quae in praecedentibus editionibus irrepserant, mendis, repurgatus: multisque in locis in gratiam antiquariorum illustratus. Additi quoque sunt duo indices copiosissimi: Prior, verborum, locutionum & sententiarum: Posterior, eorum quae commentariis D. Lambini continentur.
Ex Typis Vignonianis, Aureliae Allobrogum, 1605. VI,920,(53)p. Half cloth. Modern bookbinder's binding. Last pages bit water stained. Pencil annotations from pp.31-66.
'Denys Lambin, or Dionysius Lambinus (1520-1572), won a wide reputation by his great editions of Latin authors. (...) He had already completed his commentary on twelve of the plays of Plautus, and was beginning the thirteenth, when his life came to an end.'His knowledge of Cicero and the older Latin writers, as well as the Augustan poets, has never been surpassed and rarely equalled.' (J.E. SANDYS in A Short History of Classical Scholarship (...) (1915), pp.220-21). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 790.00