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Menanders 'Hydria'. Eine hellenistische Komödie und ihr Weg ins lateinische Mittelalter. Vorgelegt am 18. Oktober 1975.

Carl Winter, Heidelberg, 1977. 504p. ills. Sewn. Soft cover. Back cover and last pages slightly dog's eared. Series: Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1977, 1. Abhandlung.
'Evaluation of G.'s major hypothesis is difficult as it is in the nature of such speculations that decisive arguments either way are lacking; I may however not be the only reader who finds the phrase 'mit hinlänglicher Sicherheit' a little too frequent for comfort. The basic lines of literary descent which G. advocates are entirely plausible and, of course, have been suggested frequently. Of the two specific applications of this descent which are new, I can see no evidence, despite G.'s detailed analysis (...). The labour and ingenuity which have gone into this work are very great indeed; I am quite certain that no one would be more pleased than G. himself if the Fates were to restore Menander's play to us and so show us the truth.' (R.L. HUNTER in The Classical Review (New Series), 1979, pp.210-11). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 45.00 Antiquarian