Sprachaspekte als Experiment. Beiträge zur Literaturkritik in Antike und Neuzeit.
Turku, Turun, 1989. 155p. Sewn. With dedication from Ch. Segal on front cover.
A.o.: S. JÄKEL: Sprache als Experiment in semantischer Schwebe (pp.9-23); M. KAIMIO: Suicide as a Moral Problem in Greek Tragedy (pp.49-63); Ch. SEGAL: Law and Universals in Euripides' Hecuba (pp.63-83); C.J. ROWE: Plato's Use of Irony: A Case Study (pp.83-99); T. VILJAMAA: Knowledge and Moral Values in the Satires of Horace (pp.99-113). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 16.00