Enea Silvio Piccolomini - Pius II (1405-1464): een humanistisch paus op de bres voor Europa. Een bloemlezing uit zijn brieven en geschriften.
Uitgeverij Verloren, Hilversum, 2010. 592p. ills. Bound. With CD-Rom.
The main part of the book, nearly 300 pages, is devoted to translated excerpts from the twelve books of the Commentarii, witnessing Enea’s spectacular career and his considerable self-love. In order to give coherence to the selected texts the editors provided introductions to every text and supplemented summaries of the omitted parts. This works very well, together with the short explanatory footnotes, for any reader who does not have the history of Italy and Europe during the second half of the fifteenth century at his fingertips. Enea’s lively style and interesting, often quite witty, arguments about European affairs in general and Italian political problems in particular come across very well in these careful translations.[…] A very welcome bonus, also for those who do not read Dutch, is the cdrom accompanying the book.The translated selections of both the letters and the Commentarii are given here in searchable form together with the Latin text and illustrations. (…) In this way, the editors have taken great pains to make their book quite as learned and as enjoyable as Enea’s original texts.’ (NICOLETTE MOUT in Church History and Religious Culture 92, 2012, pp.351-353).
€ 49.00