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Byways in the Classics including Alia.

Blackwell / Simpkin, Oxford / London, 1905. VII,147p. Cloth. Upper edge gilded. Head and tail spine bit worn. (Rare thus).
Last year I published under the title of 'Alia' a collection of proverbial phrases with Greek and Latin parallels and of various jottings on the classics, which met with wider favour than I had ventured to anticipate. Accordingly, I have cut out what seemed too trivial to reprint and added more, and have here included the result; but the greater part is new. (...) As nearly two-thirds of the present publication will be new matter, a fresh name was required. A witty friend suggested 'Mor(e)alia; but the title chosen will serve to describe the following pages.' (H.E.P. PLATT in the Preface, pp.V-VI). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 39.50 Antiquarian