Laurea corona. Studies in honour of Edward Coleiro.
Grüner, Amsterdam, 1987. XXIII,232p. Paperback.
A.o.: O.A.W. DILKE: Religion and ancient maps (pp.1-7); W. GEOFFREY ARNOTT: In praise of Alexander of Myndos (pp.23-30); A. MARCOS CASQUERO: Los Argei: un arcaica ceremonia romana (pp.37-67); R. SCHILLING: L'exposé du stoicien Balbus dans le traité sur la nature des dieux est-il entaché d'inconsequence? (pp.67-73); G. B. TOWNEND: Some animal-similes in the Aeneid (pp.84-89); A. LA PENNA: VIDI: Per la storia di una formula poetica (pp.99-120); H.C.R. VELLA: Enjambement: a bibliography and a discussion of common passages in Apollonius of Rhodes and Valerius Flaccus (pp.152-166); R. AVALLONE: De Alcuino eboracensi maximo renovationis carolinae artefice (pp.201-216). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 42.50