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D'ANGELO, Rosa Maria,

Fra trimetro e senario giambico. Ricerche di metrica greca e latina.

Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Roma, 1983. 127p. Sewn. Series: Bibliotheca Athena, N. 25.
'Rosa Maria D'Angelo's volume provides a clear account of both ancient and modern discussion of the old Latin verse. D.'A. draws attention to the statistical insignificance of the number of the Attic comic and tragic verses alleged to realise a third or seventh element with a long syllabe (...), argues that the remains of fourth-century tragedy (...) show a technique equally strict, and finds no divergence from Attic comedy, where the matter in question is concerned, in the remains of Sicilian and South Italian drama. It accordingly appears to her idle to seek a germ of the Latin licence in Greek practice. The final chapter of the volume argues that the differences between the Latin 'senarius' and the classical Greek trimeter are merely the product of a the different phonological systems of the two languages, in other words of the greater frequency of long syllabes in Latin discourse.' (H.D. JOCELYN in The Classical Review (New Series), 1985, p.262). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 17.50 Antiquarian