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Against Meidias. (Oration 21). Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by D.M. MacDowell.

Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990. XVI,440p. Cloth wrps. Lower part dust wrps slightly creased. Nice copy. (Rare thus).
'An examination of MacDowell's list of previous editions of Against Meidias confirms the measure of neglect suffered by Demosthenes in the twentieth century. (...) The scale of the present commentary (...) reflects not only the editor's interest in the legal questions raised by the speech, but deals with linguistic matters very thoroughly, and draws attention to rhetorical effects to a greater extent than most earlier commentaries on the orators. (...) Although the author does not intend the translation to be read independently of the text, it combines accuracy with readability (...). The Commentary is rich in new insights into historical and legal matters and the many specilised terms used in the speech, and deserves to become a major source of reference (...). Equally full and enlightening is the linguistic comment, aimed at readers of all levels and supplementing the translation where necessary. Stylistic matters too are treated with great sensitivity.' (S. USHER in The Classical Review (New Series), 1991, pp.28-29). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 145.00 Antiquarian