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A Commentary on Horace: Odes, Book I. Book II.

Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975/78. 2 vols. Reprint (corr.)1st ed./1st ed. LVIII,440;XVI,355p. Original burgundy cloth with dust wrps. Vol.1: edges rust stained. Vol.2: fore edge a little bit rust stained.
'The erudition of Professor Nisbet and Miss Hubbard is combined with wit and clear thinking, and the result is a work which will delight all who care for scholarship and literature. The commentary provides all the necessary information about the historical background, religion, ancient wines, and such like matters. But it is chiefly notable for its extensive citing of parallel passages (...) This they do most effectively, drawing on the whole range of ancient literature, and their generous use of quotation as opposed to mere reference is particularly welcome. (...) The opening section of the introduction provides an admirable summary of the characteristics of the Horation ode. It deals with Horace's models and other literary influences, emphasizing his unacknowledged debt to Hellenistic poetry, in particular to Callimachus, with the different categories of ode (...), with the various themes, Horace's own poetry (...) with his style, prosaic and down-to-earth; and briefly, with structure and the arrangement of the poems within the book.' (M.L. CLARKE in the Classical Review (New Series), 1971, p.203-06 on the publication of the first volume).
€ 125.00 Antiquarian

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