Studien zur Textgeschichte und Textkritik. (Günther Jachmann zur fünfzigsten Wiederkehr seiner Promotion gewidmet).
Westdeutscher Verlag, Köln / Opladen, 1959. 307p. Cloth. Some pen markings and annotations from KJD. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper.
'These studies in textual criticism have an unusual unity of theme in that many of them are directly inspired by Jachmann's special interest in the early history of classical literature.' (K.J. DOVER in The Classical Review (New Series), 1961, p.39). A.o.: E. FRAENKEL: Zum Text der Vögel des Aristophanes (pp.9-31); H. FUCHS: Verderbnisse im Petrontext (pp.57-83); J. KROLL: Die Mahnung an Memmius im ersten Prooemium des Lukrez (pp.89-123); B. MARZULLO: Annotazioni critiche a Cratino (pp.133-155); S. PRETE: Problems, hypotheses and theories on the history of the text of Ausonius (pp.191-231); C.F. RUSSO: Nuvole non recitate e Nuvole recitate (pp.231-253). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 45.00