RESUMES DES RAPPORTS (...). Sixième congres international des études classiques, Madrid 2 - 6 Septembre 1974. (...).
Graficas Europa, Salamanca, 1974. 68p. Sewn. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper.
A.o.: P. BRUUN: On Exploring and Explaining the Disappearnce of the Etruscans (pp.10-12); J. DEININGER: Der politische Widerstand der Griechen gegen Rom in Unteritalien und Sizilien (pp.12-15); S. MARINER: The Spread of Christianity as a Factor of Latinization (pp.17-18); L. MICHELENA: Classical Language vs. Native Languages in Hispania (pp.20-22); H. MUSURILLO: Christian and Political Martyrs in the Early Roman Empire: A Reconsideration (pp.22-24); D. PROTASE: Les rapports entre Dace et Romains dans la province de Dace (pp.27-29); M.S. RUIPEREZ : On Pre-Greek Linguistic Substratum (pp.30-32); M.L. WEST: Graeco-Oriental Orphism in the Third Century B.C. (pp.37-37); WISTRAND: The Stoic Opposition to the Roman Principate (pp.39-40); J. SANCHEZ LASSO DE LA VEGA: Plato on his 24th centenary (pp.53-56). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 14.50