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BORZSÁK, St., (ed.),

Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis.

Debrecen, 1965. 104p. Sewn. Lower corner bit dog's eared. Small personal library mark and name on front cover.
A.o.: I. TEGYEY: Observations on a Linear B Cadastral List (pp.1-11); J. SARKADY: Die ionischen Feste und die ionische Urgeschichte (pp.11-21); E. MARÓTI: Zur Entstehung von Vergils Georgica (pp.25-33); S. JOURNOUD: Apulée contour (pp.33-39); St. BORZSÁK: War Simon Grynaeus Kustos der Bibliotheca Corviniana? (pp.63-77). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 15.00 Antiquarian