Social History of Western Civilization. Volume I: Readings from the Ancient World to the Seventeenth Century. Volume II: Readings from the Seventeenth Century to the Present.
St. Martin's Press, NewYork, 1988. 2 vols. XV,312;XV,326p. Paperback. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper.
A.o.: I: V.L. BULLOUGH: Formation of Western Attitudes toward Women (pp.3-14); C. MEYERS: The Roots of Restriction: Women in Early Israel (pp.26-43); W.J. BAKER: Organized Greek Games (pp.59-69); K.J. DOVER: Classical Greek Attitudes to Sexual Behavior (pp.77-87); J. CARCOPINO: Gladiatorial Combat in Ancient Rome (pp.100-112);C.W. BYNUM: Fast, Feast, and Flesh: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women (pp.177-195). II: W.L. LANGER: Infanticide: A Historical Survey (pp.179-189); J. du BOULAY: Past and Present in a Greek Mountain Village (pp.314-325). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 42.50