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CLOGAN, P.M., (ed.),

Medievalia et Humanistica. Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture. New Series, Number 2: Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Review.

Press of Case Western Reserve University / Cambridge University Press, Cleveland (...)/Cambridge (...), 1971. 223p. ills. Cloth wrps.
Contents a.o.: F.R. WALTON: Incunabula in the Gennadius Library (pp.7-21); P.J. ALEXANDER: Byzantium and the Migration of Literary Works and Motifs: The Legend of the Last Roman Emperor (pp.47-69); D.A. TRAILL: The Addressee and Interpretation of Walahfrid's 'Metrum Saphicum' (pp.69-83); G. STENGER: The Praise of Folly and its Parerga (pp.97-119); B. ROSS: Latin Paleography in the Later Middel Ages: some recent contributions (pp.153-165).
€ 26.50 Antiquarian